Guild X-350 Stratford (1954) USA
This is a wonderfull Guild hollow-body guitar from 1954, the second year of production of Guild guitars. Delivered with a case and lots of goodies. The guitar belonged to a rockabilly player who had custom made Hepcats pickups. Actually, the original Franz pickups (strongly resembling the famous P90s) are on the guitar. The neck pickup was rewound by Benedetti. A vintage Bigsby is on the guitar. A more modern tremolo arm comes with it. The original trapeze with its red fabric is also supplied with the instrument. The case is the original one. A new old part spare selector is supplied with the instrument. Like a lot of Guild from this era, the binding moved a little bit and it has been repair by a luthier.
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Politique retours (à modifier dans le module "Réassurance")
Largeur au sillet de tête (Nut width) : 42,2mm
Hauteur mi aigu à la 12e frette (High E action) : 1,75mm
Hauteur Mi grave à la 12e frette (Low E action) : 2mm
Radius : 9,5"
Diapason (Scale) : 24,75" (645mm)
Frettes (Frets) : 20
Etat des frettes (Fret wear): 70% (Frettes d'origine. Une planimétrie a été effectuée donc les frettes n'ont pas de marques, mais elles n'ont plus leurs hauteurs d'origine - Original frets. A fret levellling has been done. The frets don't have any mark but don't have their full height)
Cordes (Strings) : D'Addario 11-52 Flatwound
Accès au trussrod (Trussrod Access) : Tête (Headstock)
Manche collé (Set neck) : Erable/Acajou/Erable (Maple/Mahogany/Maple)
Touche (Fingerboard) :Palissandre (Rosewood)
Table (Top) : Epicéa (Spruce)
Eclisse (Side) : Acajou (Mahogany)
Dos (Back) : Erable (Maple)
Poutre centrale ( Wood Block) : Non
Micros (Pickups) : 3x Guild Franz "Frequency Tested"
Switch(s) : sélecteur de micros 6 positions (6 positions switcher)
Potentiomètres (Pots) : 1x volume, 1x tone
Mécaniques (Tuners) : Vintage (Original)
Chevalet (Bridge): Palissandre
Cordier (Tailpiece) : Bigsby
Couleur (Color) : Sunburst
Etat général (Condition) : Bon/Good (Fonctionne parfaitement mais peut montrer des signes d'usure normaux du à l'âge ou à l'utilisation - Works perfectly but may show normal signs of wear from age or use)
Poids (Weight) : 3.58kg
Année (year of production) : 1954
Pays de fabrication (Country of origin) : USA
Vendu avec (Sold with) : Etui et Goodies, Micro Hepcat, Trapeze d'origine (Case, goodies, hepcat remplacement pickup, original trapeze tailpiece)
Garantie (Warranty) : 6 mois (6 month)